Resources & Benefits

What we offer

Revival Assistance

Georgia NAM department offers assistance for hosting revival. Churches on NAM status can request $1500 for revival assistance (one time per church per year).

Emergency Funds

The NAM department can approve up to $2500 for a church on NAM status for emergencies.

Monthly Allocations

The NAM department of the Georgia District UPCI offers monthly assistance to NAM churches when warranted. A church can receive a 6-month allocation of support.

Decreased Dues

District dues are decreased for Pastors of churches under NAM status by 50%.

Conference Registrations

Pastors, spouses, and their kids can have their registrations covered for great conferences and camps. Examples: Mentorship Conferences, Ladies’ Retreats, and GA District Summer Camps.

Sunday School

NAM-status Churches receive $200 per year worth of Sunday School literature.

The Results

“Equipping church planters prepared for the Georgia harvest.”

— Rev. Mark Maddox